Philip Just
Chemical Analysis of Primary and Secondary Combustion Aerosols using Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS, LC-MS & TOCA)
The aim is to examine aerosols from a wide variety of sources (vehicles, biomass burning, industry etc.) using various sophisticated analytical techniques. This is an attempt to better understand the chemical composition and potential impacts on the environment and health. Specific methods such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) are used.
The combination of these techniques enables a comprehensive characterization of various sample materials. In addition, specific compounds can also be precisely identified and quantified, which provides important information about the chemical structure and concentrations of the components.
Another essential component is the "Thermal Optical Carbon Analyzer" (TOCA), which is used in conjunction with a mass spectrometer to determine various types of carbon in the aerosols. This method provides valuable data on organic and inorganic carbon compounds and thus contributes to the comprehensive characterization of the aerosol samples.
By combining these highly sensitive and specific analysis methods, not only can the chemical composition of aerosols be precisely determined, but their impact on the environment and human health can also be better assessed.
University of Rostock
Institute of Chemistry
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Philip Just
Albert-Einstein-Straße 27
18059 Rostock
Büro R104
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 6534