The Joint Mass Spectrometry Centre

The JMSC consists of the chair of analytical chemistry of the University Rostock and the group "Comprehensive Molecular Analysis" of the Helmholtz Zentrum Munich. More information


University of Rostock
Institute of Chemistry
Division of Analytical and Technical Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmermann
Secretariat Christin Kühl

Albert-Einstein-Straße 27
18059 Rostock

Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 6527
Fax: +49 (0) 381 498 - 118 6527



Modern methods of mass spectrometry and chromatography

With the beginning of the winterterm 2023/24, ourSeminar on Analytical Chemistry and Aerosol Science starts again. Students are welcome to attend our session! More information and the whole list of topics and dates can be found here.  



Sience@Sail at Hanse Sail Rostock

Without exhaust emission into vacation - climate neutral shipping until 2050: Utopia or a real goal? Chemistry professor Ralf Zimmermann and engineer professor Bert Buchholz discuss about effects of shipping emissions on health and environment as well as about climate neutral ship engines.

20.06.2023 Congratulations!

We congratulate Jana Pantzke to her passed PhD defence  "Multicellular In Vitro Systems Assessing Primary and Secondary Genotoxicity Involved in Particle-Driven Pro-Fibrotic Conditions".

30.05.2023 Prof. Zimmermann gets the GCxGC Scientific Achievement Award at the GCxGC-Symposium in Canmore, Canada

Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Zimmermann for being awarded with the GCxGC Scientific Achievement Award at the GCxGC-Symposium in Canmore, Canada. The Award was sponsored by LECO and was delivered during his award lecture.

14.-17.05.2023 DGMS Conference in Dortmund

This year, after a long break due to COVID, the annual meeting of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry took place from 14 to 17 May 2023. Our working group was represented there with 3 lectures and 6 posters from various topics related to mass spectrometry. We would like to thank the organisers from the Leibnitz Institute for Analytical Sciences ISAS e.V. for the excellent event!

21.-22.09.2023 Meeting of the DGMS interest group "FT-MS and High-Resolution MS"

We are pleased to invite you to the biennial meeting of the interest group “FT-MS and High-Resolution MS” of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (DGMS). The interest group aims to offer a forum for those working with FT-ICR-MS and other high-resolution instrumentation such as Orbitrap or TOF instruments. It is open to all doing high-resolution and accurate mass analyses. Everyone interested in advanced mass spectrometry exploring the potential of high mass resolution and accuracy is invited.

Prof. Ralf Zimmermann receives honorary doctorate by the University of Eastern Finland


Prof. Zimmermann was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Forestry of the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. Currently, collaborations between our group and several groups at the University of Eastern Finland are ongoing, among others, within the AeroHealth, EU FT-ICR MS and ULTRHAS projects.

The summary of the University of Eastern Finland is:

Professor Ralf Zimmermann at the University of Rostock in Germany has years of experience in active and multidisciplinary collaboration with several University of Eastern Finland research groups. Professor Zimmermann's field of research is analytical chemistry and he focuses on mass spectrometry in particular. He is also Director of the Joint Mass Spectrometry Centre at Helmholtz Zentrum München. Professor Zimmermann's research addresses, e.g., the health effects of atmospheric particles.



Projekttreffen in Seefeld (AUT)

Successful meeting at the Seefeld site with colleagues from Munich and the industry partner to discuss initial results of the investigation of pharmaceutical products from shale oil, followed by a tour of the factory siteand a former shale oil mine.

12.07.-16.07.2021 Measurement campaign at pyrolysis reactor in Forst (GER)

In the framework off the TBI-TAB project measurements were carried out with a pyrolysis reactor of the company KUG in Forst. Different online measurements off recycling materials ( e.g. carbon or glass fibres) with photoionisation mass spectrometrie were succesfully applied and samples were collected for offline analysis in Rostock. 

JMSC & AeroHEALTH Progress report 2018-2020

Detailed overview off all projects from analytical chemistry in Rostock, the AeroHealth International Lab and the whole JMSC from the last 3 years.

Download progress report

06.07.2021 Prof. Y. Rudich visits the University of Rostock

During a short research stay (AeroHealth), Prof. Y. Rudich from the Weizman Institute of Science visited the University of Rostock and was able to successfully complete some FTICR measurements of aged wood pyrolysis aerosols. Furthermore, discussions about a long-term cooperation with the rector of the University of Rostock, Prof. W. Schareck, took place.

29.04.2021 GDCh Lecture

On thursday the 29.04.21 at 5pm Hendryk Czech is giving a lecture in the framework of his habilitation about the topic "Impact of Aerosols on Human Health".

More information can be found here.

26.01.2021 Congratulations

We congratulate Anika Neumann to her passed PhD defence "Investigation of heavy petroleum-derived material with thermogravimetry coupled to high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry".

19.01.2021 Congratulations!

We congratulate Julian Schade to his passed PhD defence with the topic "Investigation of Airborne Particles by On-Line Single-Particle Mass Spectrometry with Novel Ionization Approaches".

SAARUS measurement campaign

Within the framework of the BMWi project SAARUS - Optimization of scrubber exhaust gas scrubbing technology to reduce environmentally harmful ship emissions scientists of the University of Rostock, der Universität der Bundeswehr München and the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW) conducting the first measurement campaign at the research ship diesel engine located at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marin Engineering. In this eight week attempt, the physical and chemical characteristics of various shipping fuels are exploited. The fuel variety reaches from compliant marine gas oil up to heavy fuel oil with high Sulphur-content not tolerated according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations. This knowledge will be the basis to judge the effect of scrubber exhaust technology on the emissions in the upcoming project duration.

30.06.2020 Congratulations!

We congratulate Christian Gehm to his passed PhD defence.

11.02.2020 2. project meeting SAARUS

The second project meeting of the SAARUS project took place a the IOW Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung in Warnemünde. In the meeting, the first measurement campain was discussed and planned. The aim of the project is the optimization of the scrubber technology for the reduction of ship emmisions. In the meeting paticipated the following project members:

  • Universität Rostock, Lehrstuhl für Kolbenmaschinen und Verbrennungsmotoren & Institut für Chemie, Abteilung Technische und Analytische Chemie
  • Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Maschinenbau - Institut für Chemie und Umwelttechnik
  • IOW Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung
  • AVL Deutschland GmbH
  • GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH
  • RVT Process Equipment GmbH
  • SULT GmbH

28.01.2020 Congratulation.

We congratulate Theo Schwemer to his passed PhD defence with the topic "Development and optimisation of a method for the characterization of unknown substances with gas chromatography coupled to ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry and atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation".


22.01.2020 Trip to Thermo Fisher Scientific in Bremen

On Wednesday, the 22th of January, we had our anual trip of the course "modern methods in mass spectrometry and chromatography". This year, the 16 students visited the company Thermo Fisher Scientific in Bremen. In vivid presentations, the platform of modern mass spectrometry from benchtop orbitrap systems to isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) was presented. Besides technical details, different carriers of the employees were presented during lunch. The visit was completed by a factory tour, where the students got insights into the prosuction of analytical intruments.


21.01.2020 Congratulations.

We congratulate Uwe Käfer to his passed PhD defence with the topic " Integration of different sample inlets for high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry to investigate heavy petroleum fractions ".


07.01.2020 Congratulations.

We congratulate Sascha Münster-Müller to his passed PhD defence with the topic "Novel approaches for impurity and isotopic profiling of synthetic cannabinoids".



07.01.2020 Congratulations.

We congratulate René Reiss to his passed PhD defence with the topic " Investigation and development of analytical techniques for trace level detection of drugs, explosives and their precursors".