Dr. Robert Irsig
Irsig, R., Shihab, M., Kazak, L., Bornath, T., Tiggesbäumker, J., Redmer, R., Meiwes-Broer, K-H, The interaction of intense femtosecond laser pulses with argon microdroplets studied near the soft x-ray emission threshold, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2018, 51(2), pp. 24006
Göde, S., Irsig, R., Tiggesbäumker, J., Meiwes-Broer, K-H, Time-resolved studies on the collapse of magnesium atom foam in helium nanodroplets, New J. Phys., 2013, 15(1), pp. 15026
Passig, J., Irsig, R., Truong, N. X., Fennel, Th, Tiggesbäumker, J., Meiwes-Broer, K. H., Nanoplasmonic electron acceleration in silver clusters studied by angular-resolved electron spectroscopy, New J. Phys., 2012, 14(8), pp. 85020
Toleikis, S., Fäustlin, R. R., Cao, L., Döppner, T., Düsterer, S., Förster, E., Fortmann, C., Glenzer, S. H., Göde, S., Gregori, G., Irsig, R., Laarmann, T., Lee, H. J., Li, B., Mithen, J., Meiwes-Broer, K.-H., Przystawik, A., Radcliffe, P., Redmer, R., Tavella, F., Thiele, R., Tiggesbäumker, J., Truong, N. X., Uschmann, I., Zastrau, U., Tschentscher, Th., Soft X-ray scattering using FEL radiation for probing near-solid density plasmas at few electron volt temperatures, High Energy Density Physics, 2010, 6(1), pp. 15–20

Universität Rostock
Institut für Chemie
Abteilung für analytische Chemie
Interdisziplinäre Fakultät Life Light & Matter
Dr. Robert Irsig
Albert-Einstein-Straße 25
18059 Rostock
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 - 8989